Thursday, March 26, 2009

[Trader Feed] The Challenge of Market Engagement

What does it mean to sustain 'engagement' in the Markets? Dr. Steenbarger of TraderFeed addresses this question in his post "The Challenge of Market Engagement."

[Condor Options] Look Before You (buy) LEAPS

Condor Options shares a helpful post to those considering whether LEAPS (long term options) might be right for them. Look Before You (buy) LEAPS.

[VIX and More] On Trading Rules and Guidelines

A must-read post from VIX and More entitled "On Trading Rules and Guidelines"

[Daily Options Report] New Leveraged ETFs that May Last More than a Year

Adam of Daily Options Report gives background on new leveraged ETFs from Direxion (who now offer 3x leveraged funds) that are intended to track monthly returns instead of daily returns. Worth a read. Leveraged ETFs that May Last More than a Year.

[Quantifiable Edges] Large Gaps Up Since September 2008

Rob Hanna of Quantifiable Edges shares some quick research on all "Large Gaps Up since September 2008"

[Stock Web] Health Care Sector isn't Always Defensive

Stock Web challenges conventional thinking in a well-written post entitled "Health Care isn't Always Defensive"

[Gaming the Market] Engineered Meltdown - End of the Beginning

From Gaming the Market, a lengthy and multi-faceted post entitled Our Engineered Meltdown: The End of the Beginning.

[Technical Take] Treasury Yields: Intervention Breeds Uncertainty

From the Technical Take Blog, a post details the 'uncertainty' that comes into financial markets (including treasuries) with Government Intervention. Intervention Breeds Uncertainty.