Thursday, December 3, 2009

[Mish's Economic Analysis] Bears in Hibernation

From Mish's Global Economic Analysis, a graph on the S&P 500 and Sentiment entitled "Bears in Hibernation." "Bearish sentiment is the lowest in two years and I am also told at lows seen only 3 times in the last 25 years."

[Trader Feed] Preparing to Win and Why Traders Lose Money

Two recent posts from Dr. Steenbarger of Trader Feed:

"Are You Prepared to Win?"

"Why Traders Keep Losing Money."

[Trader's Narrative] What do Rates Rising from Zero Mean for Equities?

A lengthy but informative guest post published at Trader's Narrative entitled "What do Rates Rising from Zero Mean for Equities?"

[Essentials of Trading] Taxes, Inflation, and Part-Time Trading

I wanted to highlight two posts John Forman of the Essentials of Trading:

SFO Article on Part-Time Trading

Taxes, Budget Deficit, and Inflation

[Quantifiable Edges] Breadth, Interview, and Gaps

I wanted to highlight three posts over the last week from Rob Hanna at Quantifiable Edges - one interesting take on breadth:

"Friday Breadth is So Negative... it Might Even Be Positive" (he was right)

Interview with Charles Kirk at the Kirk Report

Thoughts on Recent Gap Activity

[Technical Take] Gold vs Currencies vs Gold Sentiment

From the Technical Take, a quick chart that compares Gold Prices, Gold Sentiment, and Currencies. "From a sentiment perspective, extremes have yet to be reached."

[Tischendorf Letter] 5 Riskiest Market Scenarios

The Tischendorf Letter published quotes from Alan Farley on the "Five Riskiest Market Scenarios" (or, as I call it, the "Five Bads!")

[Emerging Index] Top Performing International ETFs of 2009

From the website Emerging Index, a current look at the top performing international ETFs (can also use as a reference for Country ETF symbols).