Wednesday, July 15, 2009

[Trader Feed] The Three Mistakes I see Traders Making

Dr. Steenbarger of TraderFeed shares his insights on the "Three Mistakes [he] Sees Most Traders Making." Are you making one of them?

[Trader's Narrative] The 18 Year Stock and Commodity Cycles

Trader's Narrative shares graphs and thoughts on the 18 Year Stock and Commodity Market Cycles.

[Disciplined Investor] Podcast:: Frank Curzio on How to Research a Stock

The Disciplined Investor interviews Frank Curzio on how to research a stock using both Fundamental and Technical analysis - great for newer and intermediate traders.

[Phil's Stock World] Will We Hold it Wednesday?

Phil's Stock World takes a look at the current market structure and the reaction of Intel's earnings and critical levels to watch on the market.

[Dash of Insight] Confidence, the Economy, and Balance Sheet

A Dash of Insight examines "Confidence, the Economy, and the Fed's Balance Sheet" and walks us through various statistics and charts as well as great commentary on the topics.

[Random Roger] ETF Ratings... Feh.

Random Roger shares his thoughts on ETF Ratings and notes some of the shortcoming of ratings on these securities.

[Stock Chartist] Market Future is in the Eye of the Beholder

The Stock Chartist takes a look at 'charting' as an art and notes that "The Future is in the Eye of the Beholder".

[Technical Take] Popular Moving Average Models

The Technical Take examines new research on "Moving Average Models" and looks at popular models. My favorite quote is at the end: "As we all know, the market will do its best to confuse the most."